Sunday, 11 November 2018

Introduction - Me and my story.

Well, a little about me can be found on my profile page, but here it is. I have been working on a story gone 8 years now and I've finally found the motivation to keep it up.

I first conceived the idea for my story 8 years ago, as I festered, in an abusive relationship, cut off from society.

4 years ago is when I finally decided to put the idea into words. Using it as an escape from my situation.

In that time, I've rarely come back to my computer to open the word document, because mental health is a bitch like that and things happened, and I just didn't have anything in me to create. For the longest time my mind has been stuck in a very dark place, and I'm only really just seeing a speck of light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.

When I started writing, I had a very particular, jaded view about society and the world we live in. I spent most my time hunched over my desk reading the news and despairing. In my previous apartment, I had looked out the window and watched as people walked up and down the high street as I lived above a cafe. I was only ever, at that time in a position to observe. My own ideals and had become warped. To an extent, not much has changed, but I have opened up my mind, and used my powers of observation to learn from people on social media.

Learning about the reasoning behind the perspectives of others without judging is incredibly hard. Especially when we're all so very different with individual thoughts and opinions that vary across the spectrum, although I will say, I have no time for hate. No time to understand bigots, for there is simply nothing to understand. Hate is bred from hate. Also from blind ignorance.

Anyway~ as we were.

Project Reboot: TERRA FIRMA

Is a story written from my perspective on how the world would cope without nothing, the story following the struggles of a 19 year old girl who had rejected society and her family. From living alone to relying on strangers to survive.

I give you the Prologue.

I hope this blog helps to further motivate myself and maybe, to whom ever is reading this, I hope this has peaked your interest and you follow my journey from completion to publish.

This is to be the first in a series of books!

Wish me luck.

If you are interested, follow me @Shimoaoi on Twitter -

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